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March 4th, 2014
Is there anything sexier than a bad boy?


It’s launch day! Have a drink to celebrate!

I’m so excited the Lucky 7 Bad Boys boxed set is now available for sale and immediate download! Yay! The 7 sizzling full-length novels by 7 amazing authors included in this set is sure to give you hours of reading pleasure, and all for 99 cents!

Time to celebrate! Belly up to the bar and grab a drink. Today, each of the Lucky 7 authors is blogging about a favorite adult beverage recipe—one designed to get you in the mood for a night of passion with your very own bad boy! You’ll find links to the other participating authors’ blogs below the excerpt at the end of this post.

As a special thank you for dropping by today, just leave a comment on this blog post and you’ll be entered to win one of my ebooks. Hop on over to the other participating authors’ blogs and comment on each blog for additional prizes. Finally, fill out the Rafflecopter form below the excerpt to enter for the grand prizes of an ebook bundle from all the Lucky 7 authors or a $10 eRetailer Gift Card——just scroll down to the end of this page for the form.

And don’t forget to attend the all-day Lucky 7 Bad Boys Facebook launch party tomorrow, Wednesday March 5th, for your chance to win a new iPad mini! Wow! Follow the link to the events page for more info and to sign up now! Lots of fun and prizes to be had, and tons of guest authors will be holding special giveaways.


Okay, now for that drink! Nutty Irishman, anyone?

My featured adult beverage is one of my favorites…with a twist. Here’s the super-simple recipe for a Nutty Irishman—be careful, these go down real smooth! They’re easily mistaken for a yummy milkshake…but with a kick! Here’s the twist—instead of the usual hazelnut liqueur, in honor of my Warrior’s Bride hero Cole’s family orchard, we’ll be using macadamia nut liqueur instead. Delish!

1 oz Bailey’s® Irish cream
1 oz Trader Vic’s® macadamia nut liqueur
1 oz cream
Pour ingredients into a blender (or a Magic Bullet), add ice, and blend until smooth and icy. Pour into a chilled, stemmed glass and enjoy!

And now that you’re relaxing in your favorite chair, power up the Kindle or Nook and lose yourself in a terrific bad boy story! To whet your appetite, here’s an excerpt from my contribution to the boxed set, Warrior’s Bride, a sexy marriage of convenience story. In this scene, Cole and Rini’s strict no-sex arrangement is in real jeopardy. He is such a bad boy!

Warrior's Bride by Nina Bruhns

An excerpt from Warrior’s Bride by Nina Bruhns

It dawned on Rini what Cole had in mind, and her lips parted. She shook her head.

He shrugged, grinning, then sat on the edge of the bed. “Lie down.”

She ignored the flock of butterflies flying stunt tricks in her stomach, and turned back to position the pillows. She changed her mind several times about their arrangement, until his deep, rich chuckle sounded in her ear.

“I swear, Rini, if you’d been this nervous back in May, we’d never be having this baby. Relax.” He grasped her shoulders gently. “It’s just a back rub.”

Just a back rub.

Just a back rub.

Who was he kidding?

She felt as nervous as a sixteen-year-old awaiting her first kiss.

The wood of the old bed creaked comfortingly as she eased herself down at an angle onto the mound of pillows. She felt a tickle of warm breath on her neck.


She assumed it was a rhetorical question since his hands alighted softly on her back and ran all the way down her spine and then up again. She shivered in delight.


She was lost in a world of velvet caresses and soft moans. He worked her aching muscles until they were as supple as warm taffy. Until she glowed with the heat of his hands and tingled with anticipation of more intimate touches. When he slipped his hands under her sweater, her body shuddered from head to toe.

“You like that?” he murmured from behind her, caressing her back.

She was beyond speech, so she hummed her answer. “Mmm-hmm.”

“How do you want me to touch you, sweetheart?” He pulled her sweater up to her waist, and then a little further.

“Take it off, Cole,” she whispered. Shocked at her own scandalous suggestion, she nevertheless lifted up a bit to help him.

A low sound came from his chest when he swept the sweater up her midriff, grazing the sides of her bare breasts, and pulled it over her head. The sweater hit the floor with a poof. A strand of hair fell across her upturned cheek, and he lifted it behind her ear with his finger.

“So beautiful,” he whispered, and her heart swelled with joy. The sound of his hands rubbing together was followed by a waft of gardenia in the air around them. Tentatively at first, then more boldly, he massaged the light oil into the skin of her back, stroking it on with slow, sensual movements.

Her body was liquid fire. A steady throb of desire between her legs pulsed deeper with every heartbeat. Even the slight contractions she felt around the baby pulled the coil of tension in her woman’s center that much tighter.

“Turn over, baby, so I can do the other side.”

His words hit her like an erotic wave. Without letting herself think, she obeyed. He sat on his knees, watching her turn, his eyes hooded, his face taut. His gaze brushed over her bare breasts. “Oh, God, Rini.”

He tossed a few of the pillows aside, then poured more oil into an unsteady palm, and smoothed his hands together. Starting with her fingers and hands, he worked up her arms, placing them above her head when he was done.

Her heartbeat sped as he spilled a few more drops of oil onto his hands. Her already hard nipples tightened eagerly, craving his touch. Her eyelids fluttered shut.

He drew his fingers along her jaw, then gently stroked down her throat and applied the oil to her upper chest. Her tortured breasts ached for his caress, but his hands skimmed by them, smoothing down her sides and ribs until they hit the top of her leggings. He hooked his fingers under the elastic, and her body arched.

“Shall I do your legs?” His voice sounded raw, almost hoarse.

She opened her eyes and looked into his. Reckless hunger, want, and steely determination were what she saw. Blood surged rhythmically through a vein in his temple.

If Cole could take it, so could she.

“I’d like that,” she whispered, mewling softly when he quickly drew her leggings and panties off in a single motion. She turned her head shyly, not daring to watch his reaction to her swollen body.

“Woman, you are so incredibly beautiful.”

Slowly, she turned back. She lay before him, naked beneath his ravenous gaze. Over eight months pregnant, forty pounds heavier than usual, and she’d never in her life felt as sexy or alluring as he made her feel at that very moment.

A muscle jumped in his clamped jaw. A light sheen of perspiration coated his forehead. He reached for the bottle of oil and drizzled a thin line from her foot to her trembling thigh. With strong, clever fingers he massaged her ankle and calf, moving slowly up past her knee to her thigh. She could feel the back of his hand brush the curls between her legs, but maddeningly, frustratingly, he came no closer to the place where she most wanted him.

He started on the other leg. By the time he reached her upper thigh, she was a witless mass of molten desire. Wantonly, she parted her legs slightly, inviting his intimate caress. She nearly groaned in frustration when he took a deep breath and started on her baby belly. Lord above, he had to run out of safe territory soon.

Suddenly it hit her. He was waiting for her to tell him what she wanted. He’d promised a massage and nothing more, unless she said so. The man must be a saint.


“Yeah, babe?” A rivulet of sweat trickled from his cheek down his neck and disappeared into a stain spreading on the front of his white T-shirt.

“You missed a few spots.”


The other participating author blogs. Be sure to visit them all!

Tawny Weber | Virna DePaul | Susan Hatler | Charity Piñeiro | Kristin Miller

Enter the Ebook Bundle Rafflecopter here!

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14 comments to “Is there anything sexier than a bad boy?”

  1. Talk about hot! Can’t wait to read.

  2. I have got to try this drink! My go to is a White Russian and this sounds like it would be close. :) Can’t wait to read the whole book!

  3. Congratulations on the release of Lucky 7! It’s all loaded up on my kindle just waiting for me to read – can’t wait! That Nutty Irishman sounds wonderful – definitely going to have to try it!

  4. Love the excerpt it was hot can’t wait to get to your story in the set. Congrats on the release.

  5. Nice excerpt

  6. Wow – that was a really hot excerpt and I liked how you gave your character validation on her pregnant body! I have to admit – I’ve never heard of a “Nutty Irishman”, so I’m off to google Trader Vic’s macadamia nut liqueur & hazelnut liqueur.

  7. Never heard of the Nutty Irishman before… I have this book in print… loved it!

  8. I can’t wait to read this! Looking forward to the party tomorrow.

  9. Oh my, love the blurb. Thanks so much for the chance on the giveaway.

  10. I am so happy that this box set is out! I got them on ebook Valenties day I am now going to get the paperback version since I can not see a cover for all 7 books!! Congrats ladies see you tomorrow

  11. Enjoyed the teaser! Happy Release Day.

  12. Congrats on your release in the Lucky 7 Bad Boy Box set! I purchased the set, but haven’t read it yet.

  13. Congrats on your release! And awesome excerpt! Sounds so good! I want more! Thank you for sharing! And thank you for the recipe too!

  14. Hey, I reckon it might be the feel, the smell, the places it takes you to in your mind. Reading a fantastic best seller is like visiting with a fascinating friend. The time passes quick, but the memories will last forever!

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